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Wednesday, July 27, 2005 

I have not left the blog

yes...I have been dicking around on RoosterTeet.com, and my internet time has gone down considerably, but I felt the need to post something new here. I have absoultely nothing to say, except that I will say something when I have the chance. I'm sure none of you are reading this right now.
I shall return

i read it...wow, guess that makes me pretty pathetic.

i registered on rooster tit, but haven't done anything since. i'd rather go back and forth with kav on our blogs. he is my new semmy

if you used rooster teet it would be so much easier for me to comment...seeing as I am always the last to comment on peoples' journals and all
scratch that...keep posting on the blog, cause I know I'll never be late to the party

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