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Tuesday, January 03, 2006 

The New Year Rules

but not really...i just didn't feel like following the negative trend set by my only 2 readers. Anyways, New Year's Eve was quite uneventful. I went to PF Chang's for dinner with my lady friend, my brother, and his lady friend (mainly because I slacked on the reservations and could only settle for this). The bright side was the place wasn't nearly as packed as it usually is. We hung out at the bar for a while and a shocking thing happened. My brother actually picked up the tab. I'm not getting too excited about that, cause I'm probably going to end up paying for it later.
Dinner was pretty uneventful. We had to order a bunch of vegetarian and seafood dishes as my brother is now a pescatarian (he loves Jesus) so I didn't get to order the meat that I craved so much. We finish dinner at around 11:00 (thanks to the late reservation) and head over to my brother's girlfriend's house (maiinly cause I was too lazy to go downtown, plus it was freezing). We proceed to get drunk off of wine (which is generally not my fortay) and watch Dick Clark (who looks like he is one encounter with a New York whore away from death).
After this, I headed back to my place to get busy, and by busy I mean go to sleep. I am generally an insomniac so when I can get somerest I take it, even if it means I pass up on getting laid.
We then woke up and watched the 40-Year Old Virgin and then she made me brunch which was pretty good. We took the rest of the day pretty easy until we started fighting over some trivial shit. But then we made up with angry sex and all was well in the land of Kav.

I'm glad i am not the only one having fights over stupid trivial shit on new years...i have to say, I should have passed on the hate sex afterwards, tho.

you never made a blog entry about me

the hate sex was great for me...primarily because she ended up with an imprint of some change from my dresser on her ass

anonymous...who are you again?

i think alex is feeling the need again tonight

wow...i went to meatspin.com and was mesmerized and/or shocked to be officially gay

and Ang...seeing as your clit is bigger than some dicks, it'd probably look similar, right?

yes, very similar, but it is hard for me to get the rotation down.

ceej...i never had pics of you and me drunk...but i shall devote my next entry to you

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