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Wednesday, May 11, 2005 


Ang...I told you I would get you on all fours
As for the rest of you...I hope these pathetic little icons bring joy into your otherwise meaningless lives.


thank you for showing how much you care

Ang...eventually I'll change yours to Edna Crabopple cause she is a desperate slut too.
Anfer...I felt the mexican bumblebee captured your Puerto Ricanness
Ceej...you're nucking futs, hence your icon
and...FUCK YOU MEL!!!

Don't make me Edna!!!!

I think Dave should be Ned Flanders

I figured that Krusty's dad was good for Dave cause he's now Jewish...if you don't want Edna, you need to request something. The stripper (that goes out with the mayor) is still available.
Ceej...you're fucking bonkers

The stripper would be acceptable. thank you.

Ang...after careful consideration I decided to give you Edna

CJ...I hope you are properly restrained for your own safety

Christy...this post is crap, yet somehow it is better than anything you have written...and I say this with love hidden somewhere about my person (hint, its in my dick)

Your safety is only a concern of mine as I am worried for my safety in your presence

Christy...I am worth your effort as I took the time to pick out the assface icon for you

i commend you on your choice for my icon. it looks surprisingly like me.

I hate going to the mental wards...too many crazy people there

Mort...it was either that one or Milhouse (to characterize your nerdyness) but I thought that one looked more like you

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