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Monday, May 09, 2005 

It's A Mother's Day Miracle

I can't believe I just quoted a lame cell phone commercial. Anyways I decided to spend mother's day with my mother (which if you know my relationship with her is a feat in itself). What did we do, you might ask?
Well I had made reservations at Benihana, and even convinced my brother to take time out of his busy schedule to drive down. Did it all go according to plan? Not in the least.
So I talk to my folks on Saturday and they tell me that they were invited to someone's house for lunch on Sunday. No problem...I could just bump the reservations back from lunch to dinner.
As quickly as I did that, my dad tells me his cousins from out of town are coming over for dinner. At this point I gave up on my whole going out to eat idea.
Now I had to get her a gift, which I was trying to avoid by taking her out to eat. Every Mother's Day for as long as I can remember, she has hated every gift I have ever given her. She may not say it, but the fact that she returns the gifts or never uses any of em kinda leans towards that. She always said don't waste your money on stupid gifts.
Seeing as it was Sunday morning and I had no gift, I hauled ass down to the local Safeway and pick her up some flowers. Apparently I wasn't the only one partaking in the last minute shopping. I had to wait in line for about a half hour for one fucking item. Anyways...I make the mad dash back to my parents' place just as they had finished getting ready to go out.
Maybe it was the fact that she was in a rush to go out, or was distracted with something else, but she accepted the flowers and was in quite a pleasant mood when doing so (which is not normal for my mom).
So anyways we went to their friends' for lunch which was quite nice. Only problem was their friends' daughter ended up giving my mom a nice set of earrings for Mother's Day, which made my offering of flowers look quite pathetic.
After lunch, my brother heads back up to his place and I head back to parents' place. I help my mom clean up the place and prepare dinner for my Dad's cousins.
This is where I realized that I shouldn't have stuck around. I get stuck for the next 4 hours baby sitting 5 little babies. The oldest of which is 2 years old. "Pediatrics is your specialty," my mom said as she dumped them off with me.
I love kids...don't get me wrong, but 5 without any other help was a bit overwhelming.
Seeing kids on a regular basis with help of nurses and staff is much, much easier than dealing with em by myself (albeit 5 at once is a bit much as well). Maybe it was the fact that I kept them busy so my mom could enjoy herself, or maybe it was the fact that I was covered in mashed carrots by nights' end, but my Mom actually thanked me for a wonderful day.

It was kinda creepy

aw, kavvy. you're such a sweet wittle son. yes you are. *pinches your cheek*

all i want is my mother's love. is that so much to ask?
*single tear rolls down cheek*

as long as the love is platonic and not oedipal.

i've already told you how disappointed in you we are....

i hope you refrained from touching the kids in their naughty places, you perv.

My mom is a bitch and I am somehow attracted to bitchy women...maybe it is a bit oedipal

For the record I touched the kids penises only to calm them down

wasn't that michael jackson's defense?

Jackson claimed that sleeping with children was sweet and innocent
I claim touching children is a good stress reliever

she's much nicer when her mouth is full

its a japanese restaurant where they cook food in front of you
i know its no Kentucky Fried Chicken, but the food is still decent

My attraction to bitches explains why all of my relationships are healthy
As for Benihana...I like it when the dude accidentally chops off his finger and then accidentally places his hand on the grill as he is screaming in pain. Thats what I call family entertainment.

I prefer shih tzu's

We smoked crack that I had surgically placed in my scrotum. It was a bitchto get it out.
Ceej...the rednecks probably ran Benihana out of town.

Are you trying to destroy my blog...cause you should know my blog is like herpes

and my blog is "like" herpes...it never goes away, but there are occasional periods of remission

i figure, if you're gonna name your blog herpes...you should spell it correctly

then you would've misspelled that word as well

thats where you're wrong...i have no nice side
merely a side that is less of an ass...but still an ass nonetheless

Hitler is possibly the one person I won't sleep with, hence it being your icon.

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