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Tuesday, May 17, 2005 

The Revolution is upon us

I figured Alex wasn't too happy with all the Xbox 360 stuff cause he is more of a Nintendo fanboy

This one is for you buddy

I'm willing to bet, and this is a conservative estimate mind you, $83.94.
I'm not sure what that is in Yen

what is that??? i hope you will all pardon my naivete...but i had no idea nintendo was coming out with somethin too....

Ang...Its the Nintendo Revolution
Ceej...its the way you're sleeping. Might I recommend one of those posture-pedic beds
Christy...I still have my dreamcast...it serves as a great paperweight, and if i ever want to watch VCD's its there

i'm-ah warrio, i'm-ah gonna win.

The hand you see actually belongs to Gustav Remlinghousen...the world famous Bavarian hand model...It was used to show the size of the system and his silky smooth hands
Mort...that was-a really gay-a

and that is all that matters

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