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Friday, May 06, 2005 

Sexo de Mayo

Just thought today was more important than 5-5-05. Normally I'm not a huge fan of Mexican , but I could definitely see myself eating some today. Alas she is out of town so I am shit out of luck.
So anyways...I didn't drink at all yesterday as I felt no need to partake in drinking based on a pseudo-holiday (please refer to The Luck of the Irish post). What did I do you might ask...I watched 3 straight episodes of Teammates on ESPN. Why you might ask?
Cause some fuckhead had the remote and I was too lazy to get up. I followed up this eventful day by trying to watch Days of Thunder on ESPN, but found myself bored shitless and only got through about a half hour of it. I guess NASCAR is boring in all forms.
Anyways...I hope you all get laid on this very special day as I don't see myself getting any.
And one final note...I hope you all are as stoked as I am for the steaming pile of horse shit that is the Kentucky Derby
horse shit

I had my doubts about that until this show confirmed it

Same for me...hence the big pile of shit

Normally I wouldn't post it at all...but on this special occasion I felt the need to live up to the low standards of everyone else's blog
This is my gift to all of you

That can be summed up in one sentence...My PSP is good but it is no substitute for a warm vagina.

I think I've had entirely enough poos from you over the past few days. I'm set for a few months, at least.

Also, your penis is dancing perfectly in time with the music I have playing.

My penis has perfect rhythm..as for the poo...fecal matter is always a serious situation

If thats what Bo Jackson wants, thats what Bo Jackson will get.
I'll even throw in a little story about me banging 40 chicks, when really all I did was watch TV in the lounge at work.

Bo is currently teaching the consequences of steroid use to inner city kids in chicago

Where are you going? Trinidad & Tobago?

You're starting to make less and less sense...CJ must be rubbing off on you

Wallaby Feed is a tremendous bitch...she's kinda like my new friend Shirley
Who might I add is a fucking nut job too

Wallaby Feed is a dude?!
I thought she was some dike who like playing with koala bears and dingos and shit

Awesome...I'll definitely have to get his address...I've always wanted a genuine Australian penpal...Paul Hogan never writes me back.
Hopefully we can put another shrimp on the barbie

Wallaby Feed is a loser, but there is no need for you to point it out

sorry...you probably got the wrong kavindar...i never had a foot problem
Ceej...you like me so I guess the Armageddonis already upon us

I have been known to get my foot stuck in peoples' asses...he/she may have been one of the unfortunate victims of such an act
And Bo Jackson...I love you too...I eagerly anticipate your return to pro sports

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