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Thursday, June 09, 2005 

Oh no!!! Some oversensitive fag banned me from BL!!!

I don't know what I'm supposed to do...some douche bag actually spent the time to give me the "You're Banned" page that the_real_chipper got. I feel honored to be among the select few to be banned.
Thats right kiddies...its the same tool who took the time to ban Martin. My advice to the oversensitive pussy...get a sense of humor.
Anyways...to the mystery assailant (I wonder who it could be?), I hope your mad internet skills help you get some ladies without having to pay em for it. Good luck cybering.
Image altered due to overwhelming fagginess

let's get the ACLU involved. this seems to be racially motivated.

its just another case of an ass abusing his power

i don't care if brando was deleted...but i know who banned my IP
as for griping about people when they aren't around, I believe you need to take your own advice hypocrite.
as for your pic...i like it...it accentuates your toolness

i'm not the one who talked shit to other people about me...my gripe is in a public forum for all to see...as for you dealing, the brando account was already deleted when your whiny ass decided to block the IP...you're the oversensitive bitch who thinks that banning people for insulting you is a good idea, when really you're the pussy who can't take it when he's insulted. you sir can fucking deal.
as for posting on my blog...please refrain from doing so. i don't post on yours (as apparently no one else does) so please fuck off queerbait.

and joe...as for the cookies...still doesn't work. thanks for your help though

now your dumbass posts are banned

the fact that i acknowledge you are a bitch doesn't make me a crybaby...the fact that you whined enough to get the brando profile deleted along with your lovely "you're a dead man" private message indicates that you are
grow up and fuck off

actually no...all the shit you said about me in my absence was the first punch
and what part of fuck off don't you understand?

if you didn't ban me then you, being a mod, can tell me who did...and it still doesn't change the fact that you are a whiny bitch...now get off the computer and go outside...judging from your picture its clear you could use the exercise

yeah...the fact that i'm banned from the site i live on really affects my life...as for your gut, i'm sure you're rock hard now and all the bitches love you
and i wouldn't call myself a whiny bitch...i'm more of an insensitive prick.
lest we forget, you're the one who whined to chimpo to delete the brando profile

i'm not complaining...i'm the one who told you to fuck off, and you are the one who repeatedly posts.
i am merely rebutting. you can keep denying your hand in this and thats fine.
as for karma...your pathetic life sure is a testament to that concept.
now please leavemy blog and jerk off in some chat room or whatever it is you do to exercise

it is glorious...is it not?

I came on mine.

This is a thing of beauty. Kav, you have my heart.

I'm glad to see you made your triumphant return to posting in this thread...you were missed

oy vey

Hey, Branden... shut the fuck up. Seriously.

rover...kudos to you...you'll be ready for bikini season in no time

asswipe...i'm rebutting your comment, or are you too stupid to see that...you expect me to let you post on MY blog and do nothing about it. plus you had it coming
a lot of people think you're a tool, i'm just the one who said it

Alex that reminds me... since I've been walking to work, I weighed myself this morning. I've lost 6 pounds

its much easier to post on here with different usernames and not get banned by some pathetic jerk off

I am such a fag and I totally deserve this thread.
Did I mention I like to tuck my t-shirt into my pants and ride my fat hog hard and fast.

i need to incorporate more rhyming into my vocabulary...teach me alex
christy...all i need is lunch, i'm pretty hungry now
brando...i'm glad you appreciate my work

this is the most action this blog has received since the days of CJ

wow, great stuff. i on the other hand gained 96 pounds and just got over my second heart attack listening to these jokes. what the hell is a tool anyway? i hear people say it and i laugh nonstop like i understand what they are saying.

there are many definitions for the term tool. among which include:

- someone who tries too hard. a poser. one of those chic's who holds the sign saying "Carson Daly is Hot." the asstard who goes to a rock show because they heard one of the songs on the radio or mtv. or someone who insists on wearing velour sweat suits. Avril Lavigne.
- one who is socially maladjusted; a lame person.
- a complete loser... one who had no friends..someone who is used for there resources..
- one who is utterly retarded, or just dumb
person who is dense
- One who acts like a cock.
- A penis

for more on this as well as many other hip terms the kids are using these days, please refer to urbandictionary.com

remember that time i broke your blog

the same can be said for you if you know what i mean

if you don't know what i mean, i implied you like to give head

oh, now i get it. where i'm from we just call them "shit munchers". but i live around a lot of assholes so i guess that includes me.

is a shit muncher anything like a turd burgler?

dolla dolla bills yo...whats your rate at now?
i'll make sure to save up next time I fly threw

they are diffrent but they both taste like shit.

Personally I think certain people should get off their high horses and save their banning skills for people who are constantly being assholes. So to the Ban-a-holic, get a clue before someone gets smart, knocks you off of your high horse, and bans you! Oh...and stop being such a fag!

is there such a thing as good tasting shit?
anonymous...well said...freedom of speech for all

i can't believe i read all of this but it is classic

shit is a delicacy in my neck of the woods. the Anonymous should show themselves and be a sport.

i could go for a good dungpie, but haven't found one yet
CM...glad I could amuse you
Nerd...way to jump on the blog bandwagon

hopefully that major will help prevent you from double posting

your incontinence makes it all worth it

you got banned? wondered why the gay jokes werent flying constantly. that sucks. fuck em all

mel...real life aint shit compared to internet life
stagnant...its sad the gay jokes were lacking...i thought the site was one big gay joke to begin with

I am honored...I shall make sure to try and hang out with you the next time I come to LA (which should be sometime in July)

Thanks Kav. anyway, whoever had did that, it was stupid.

i believe i was the one who flaked out last time
I am gonna be in LA in July though

Martin...no prob. Just thought you'd like to know who was fucking with ya

Well, right now, the reaon i can't go on BL or yahoo or these blogs, is that my computer is acting up big time and is gone repair, but i couldn't go on BL in a while, and since the newbies could sign again, i could log back in. anyway, i appreciate the help you can bring. and i have linked your blog to mine (the 300proof one) and i'll link all the blogees ferom my blogspot one, the uglier blog version of mine but it has the same writings in it except the comments. anyway, take care Kav, and again, i appreciate much. (ps, if this is too long just tell and i'll make it shorter next time.)

Marty...little long, but still readable
Mel...you flaked one night and then I bailed the next night...so we both flaked. Happy?

both of you should take a hint.

maybe you should post your identity

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