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Tuesday, January 10, 2006 

So I Finally Caved

and bought myself an xbox 360 last week (I know you've had yours for about 50 days Joe). I felt I needed a fix as I haven't really played many games as of late (probably due to the fact that I am a sex addict). Why did I buy it? For one game only. Smash TV. I forgot how ridiculously hard that game was to beat without continuing. I also bought Perfect Dark Zero, which looks amazing on my 73'' DLP...yes my TV is that big which means I am overcompensating for something (I wonder what).
I justified the purchase to my ladyfriend (aka my biggest critic) by claiming that the TV is so big I had to have a wireless system so that I can sit at a safe distance. Plus its high def and I need everything to be high def to feed my anal retentive nature.
As good as Perfect Dark Zero looks, it can't hold a candle to Fight Night Round 3. I downloaded the demo from Xbox Live (I am a Silver member cause my old one expired and I don't have time to justify paying more for it...for now at least) and have enjoyed kicking the shit out of Roy Jones, Jr.
Hopefully Perfect Dark will hold me over until Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Fighting comes out.

Oh yeah...to follow up on the Laker/Clipper game. Frankie Muniz handed out the game ball. Rosanna Arquette sat courtside (and might I add she has an awesome rack). The Lakers won. Kobe blew up. The box seats were awesome. I got to ride in a Hummer Limo to and from the game. I bumped into Penny Marshall at the VIP entrance and she mummbled some gibberish at me when I said "excuse me." I have now realized that every trip I make to LA I bump into some B-list celeb worthy of being on Inside Edition, which is kinda weird.

Fight Night is ridiculously pretty...I'm tempted to download PGR3's new demo but its over 1 gig, plus I was playing Forza on the system and it looks even better than I thought it would be

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