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Sunday, May 01, 2005 

Presence Makes The Dick Grow Harder

Fuck that absence making the heart grow fonder shit. Its been a while since I have posted and a lot has happened in the last few weeks. My girlfriend came up from LA last week and I was "pre-occupied" if you know what I mean. If you don't know what I mean, I've been boning for the last few weeks.
So anyways...it was quite the eventful trip. Firstly she bought me a PSP, and might I say it is fan-fucking-tastic. I've been playing Tiger Woods golf religiously and am almost at the legend level. She also got me Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for it, but I have yet to really get into that one yet. The graphics are solid and the speakers are quite decent for the size. All I need now is one of those 2 gig memory cards so I can watch movies and put more music on it.
Anyways...I could rant on and on about videogames but I'm sure that would get you too excited so I'll stop.
So anyways...after dealing with my piece of shit laptop that had plagued me for years only to fry out (please refer to my "R.I.P. HP Pavilion ze5170" post) I finally caved and purchased a 15 inch Mac G4 Powerbook w/ Superdrive.
And might I say that it is quite amazing. I had to wait to get it on Friday cause Mac OSX Tiger was coming out that day and I didn't want to shell out the money to buy that seperately.
So I drove up to Sacramento to purchase it with the intention of using my brother's student discount. Luckily there was a gift giveaway at the Apple Store and I won 10% my purchase, which turned out to save me more than the student discount would have. So far I haven't really had too much time to dick around with it, but seeing as my girlfriend left today I figure it will be a good distractor.
I am currently in the act of redoing my iTunes library and restocking some of the valuable porn that I had lost.
Anyways...I guess I missed a lot (seeing as I have lost the number 1 stop I had once held on Joe's blog) but I feel that the constant fucking, getting a PSP and a new laptop is a pretty fair trade off.
Hopefully this link will help me move up in the rankings
Additionally I would like to welcome back CJ to posting on the blog. You should definitely talk to my new friend Shirley...she's just as fucked up as you are.

arigoldstein...am i supposed to know you...and yes, I am DA man.
Joe...I intend to reclaim my spot at number 1...if it means taking a shot in the mouth, then so be it.
Christy...its good to see you're still an asshole...now please separate my link on your blog so it stands out more. Thank you.

It is cool but not as cool as playing with my PSP

CJ...you wish

you probably have a framed picture of my junk hanging over your mantle

Please refresh my memory as to who you are?

my bad...i forgot it wasn't on your mantle...its on your night stand

The PSP won't be the new iPod until I upgrade from the 32 mb memory stick.
As for the the Nokia NGage 3.0...I wish I had the scratch to get one of those...Its a phone and a gaming system...COMBINED!!! Genius I tell you...The graphics are quite impressive too.

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