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Thursday, March 10, 2005 

My Inner Nerd Weeps

I'm opening myself up for insults from the likes of Alex & Joe with this one. Thats right...that was a double shout out yo!!!
Anyways, I consider myself to be a Star Wars whore...if it were possible I would go down on a Wookie. I've gone to see the 2 previous prequels in theaters, going to the midnight shows nonetheless. As much as I hate to admit it, I didn't think they were all that great. Needless to say that didn't stop me from purchasing them both on DVD.
jar jar
To clarify, I am not one of those dudes who comes to the dressed in full jedi gear; not that there is anything wrong with that but my mom doesn't have a basement and if she did, she sure as hell wouldn't let me live there.
Furthermore I am not one of those fanboys who waits in lines days or weeks in advance to purchase my tickets...thankfully I am a firm believer in advance ticket purchasing and using friends to stake positions in line for me.
Anyways...back to my point. It recently came to my attention that the new Star Wars Episode 3 trailer will be airing today on Fox. The short clip I saw got me pretty stoked. The only downfall is that it will be airing during The O.C.
I have made it a point to avoid all things to do with this show as I am no longer 15 years old and am lacking a vagina. This is my dilemma. Do I suck it up and deal with the shitfest that is The O.C. just to watch what will probably end up being 1 minute of the best parts of a movie that will probably blow major ass?
Or do I do what any normal hetero-male would do and skip the whole fiasco, and download the extended trailer off the net?
These are both questions that I have the answer for, yet for some reason I ask it. If only my inner nerd wasn't such a whiny bitch.

Thankfully I'm not flaming enough to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I don't have the stamina to endure a 3 and a half hour lord of the rings film at midnight.
I picked up my Xbox at midnight, so I guess I'm in the same boat.

And to the asshole, I would have to own a TiVo to see it...luckily my roommate watched the filth and called me in at the end so I could watch it. I think I creamed myself.

you are spinning a web of deceit

judging from your solid rebuttal i can see that you were on the debate team

Christy...there is no point accusing her of such things...the web of deceit she has spun for herself is too great at this moment

I didn't get that...were you talking to me?

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