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Wednesday, January 11, 2006 

I may have alienated my readers

with my last post. Please forgive me as I give you this awesome pic.
So anyways, a "friend" and I use the term loosely as he is more of an acquaintance calls me today balling like a school girl cause his girlfriend is probably gonna dump him. He insists he meet me for advice. Who the fuck am I? Dr. Ruth? So anyways I tell him I'm busy, cause I do have to pay the bills somehow, yet he keeps insisting...so in an effort to get him off my back I agree. About 2 months ago I was a dumbass and saved his relationship cause he didn't know how to play the game. I talked to his woman and basically fed her every stupid line imaginable. I then proceeded to tell him what to say and he proceeded to fuck up every solid gold line. He also is the insanely jealous douchy sensitive type so its hard for him to deal with relationships. He gets too emotionally involved, too fast.
Judging by the way he acts I'd swear he was a virgin before he met this girl. And now he is calling me again so I need to go and change his diaper.

um, could you talk to the man i am not dating, but really really want to and want to get married and have lots of his babies? (no, not blossom)

the Donger likes Frankie Muniz

Ang...I'm not ready for marriage yet

I didn't know you were still posting... maybe I'll start giving you guys some of my solid gold posts again.

i started posting when in anticipation of another BL ban

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