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Monday, February 05, 2007 

I decided

to unfriend someone in real life. Its so much more gratifying than on the internet, even though I did miss my mouse. Basically this guy had been lying to me about stupid bullshit for the last month and I finally had enough of it. I didn't mind most of it until last night. I went to my friend's going away party and the shit hit the fan. Assmunch had a puppy dog crush on my friend in spite of the fact that she has a boy friend, who also happens to be my friend.
This entry is my girly gossip one so deal with it. So my friend, lets call her Rock (the one who was supposed to join us at the Blue Bar on Friday) moved down to southern california today. Her boyfriend, i'll call him Heart is already down there for school. Since he's been down my ex-friend, has been working extra hard to put the moves on. I've talked with Patty telling her not to be as flirty with the guy but she's flirty by nature. For the last 3 months he keeps doing creepy things around her (he probabley has a doll made of her hair) and I confronted him about it. So he lies constantly saying he respects her, they're just friends, yada yada yada.
Long story somewhat short, he lurks around her while she gets loaded, puts the moves on her in full site. She resists, he still goes for it. I see this and tell him to talk to me for a sec. We go outside and I tell him to back off all nice and calm. He gets pissed at me saying I'm cock blocking. I told him to relax, he called me a bitch and called me jealous. He accuses me of trying to hook up with her failing to realize I'm actually friends with her boyfriend.

This shit is so highschool, which is why i am glad Rock and Heart no longer live here and I don't have to deal with their shit...now all i need are some lesbos in a hot tub and i'm gravy.

So what did SHE have to say about it?

i have no idea...i'm too busy to call her to ask...plus the extent of my caring was this post

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