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Friday, February 09, 2007 

Someone shit in my cornflakes

which is cool cause I like rice crispies anyway. I never get to eat breakfast cause of my lame schedule so when I do get the chance to I enjoy it. Unfortunately some dingus jacked my personal milk carton from the lounge so I got to enjoy a cup of black coffee and no cereal for breakfast. I will track down the culprit and destroy them.
I also went back to court and got to deal with another bitch of a clerk. They made me wait a few days so I could give them my money now. They are so considerate.
Also...I decided I am going to cut my hair. My resisting a trim for no reason doesn't work when it rains, cause my jew fro gets extra curly when wet.
Full stop

I like your little caps.

which little caps?

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