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Wednesday, April 13, 2005 


So I was dicking around trying to edit my blog...thankfully I have superior computer skills and I am a master of copying and pasting html code. So anyways I added a counter to the bottom of my site cause I'm cool like that.
So, after I add it I get the urge to click the "next blog" tab at the top of the screen. The first page I end up on is some douchebag who works at Wal-Mart's page. He rambles about the fun and excitement that he experiences everyday as part of the Wal-Mart welcoming comittee. "Fuck that !" I says and I decide to click on the "next blog" tab again.
And it brought me here. This site offered an audio blog, which I thought was pretty nifty. So I decided to click on one of the links. Figured I'd hear some tool talk about collecting Star Wars action figures or drool over some bitch he's got a crush on.
Anyways...my prediction couldn't have been farther off. After listening to the first 30 odd seconds of her discuss swallowing a hot load of splooge I felt that my colleagues were getting uncomfortable.
So I decided to leave the audio experience for all of you. But especially for you Alex...I figured you'd appreciate the few clips of her having some of the sex.

Side note: After spending the greater part of 2 hours doing quizzes with "someone" I learnerd what type of care bear I am.
Tramp Bear
Tramp Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm raver bear...sweet....glow sticks rawk.

now I know where to go when I need to score some E or need to get my hands on a pacifier

i really need to get back to my party kid days...that was so much fun

didn't they make a movie about you? i believe you were played by McCauley Culkin.

yeah, that movie sucked, and was grossly inaccurate...or completely accurate, depending on what kind of pill you were on at the time.

i figured you'd be gay bear, what with your french fetish

as for your movie...i never saw it, but i heard McCauley took it in the butt. i hope he portrayed you accurately.

whatever you say frenchy...i vacationed in paris too and you don't see any parisian shit on my walls.

I'm quite impressed with your whole coming out thing...i like how you evenly distribute the gay
and might i add...i knew you were gonna get the gay bear

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