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Tuesday, February 06, 2007 

I am a wanted man

stupid speeding ticket. I apparently failed to appear before the date of my extension thanks to work and me getting pre-occupied. So I finally find my ticket with docket # and go in this morning to court. I got the evil look from the clerk which was great. I showed her proof of insurance and tried to pay it off. She wouldn't let me claiming since I was late I had to schedule a meeting with the judge. So I ask for a time slot with the judge today. She says no. I look at my sheet of paper that says arrive at the court house between 8:00 and 8:30 AM to register a slot. I look behind me in line and see one other person. I then look at the clock on the wall which says 8:05. So I ask her politely when can I register a time slot. She then tells me Friday. So I calmly say thankyou and walk away. She then yells at me, they may issue a warrant for your arrest.
I guess I shoulda shaved this morning...maybe I woulda looked less arab. Cause I still don't get why she was so mean to me. It almost made me want to cry.

I'm sorry baby... I love you not in spite of your brown-ness, but because of it.

i like how you thought i actually looked like a third worlder

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