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Tuesday, April 05, 2005 

Peter Jennings is trying to steal my thunder

After reading my last post he decided to go and get himself some lung cancer. Well fuck you Jennings!!! I can get lung cancer if I wanted to.
And might I add that Prince Ranier III of Monaco passed away as well.

Prince Rainier

Way to jump on the bandwagon guys!

you really aren't all that original are you?

anonymous...please say who you are after you type something...or eat my ass and don't read my blog

christy...who can blame jennings...i know i can't.

alex...i'm glad you appreciate the ranier shout out. i noticed he was your favorite prince.

anonymous is a bad ass on the internet

that anonymous fucker was reading my blog last week...thought he'd get away with commenting, too...but i think i showed him.

how did you do that? did you write a strongly worded response to him or did you just stare angrily at the monitor hoping he would receive your vibes?

I usually angrily click the window shut, and I think that gets across my rage. Sometimes I feel bad afterwords, like I went too far and overreacted, but then I remember you have to stand up for yourself.

i like that i've become a conglomeration of people. and no i will not identify which i realize will result in you turning off the ability for anonymous comments to be posted. well waa.

i was about to angrily click on your blog but i noticed you updated it...so you are safe from my wrath...for now

anonymous....i probably won't turn off the anonymous posting due to general laziness and i am a whore for additional comments

thought so.

who the fuck is tallulah arizona?
anonymous...did you forget to change your identity before you posted?

nope. not tallulah. sorry.

i know...i'll just call you BJ to keep your identity a secret

this is so stupid

if you really want to get rid of the termite called anonymous, you must yell and scream really loudly at your monitor, and once you finish doing that, start hurling canned goods at passing vehicles from an overpass. after you finish doing that, return to your computer and realize you are too lazy to turn off the "allow anonymous comments" feature.

whatever gets your rocks off.

i just screamed at the monitor for about 6 minutes...my colleagues now officially think i sould be on medication. as for the canned goods, i had none...so i substituted the leftovers in the breakroom fridge.
that should fucking show you anonymous.

he/she is quite the enigma

you're all stupid.

you blew us all away with that doozy of a comment

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